Launch Day | Pitch Your Startup Idea

HHL DIGITAL SPACE – The HHL Digital Transformation Platform

It’s showtime for startups and listeners!

For startups

Apply to pitch on stage. You can expect valuable feedback from investors and experts, prize money, and public reach on social media via HHL and HHL DIGITAL SPACE. There will be 9 pitches in total. Each startup will have 3 min to pitch and another 6 min to answer questions from the panel of judges (see below in the agenda).

Application Deadline: November 10, 2024

Accepted startups so far:

  • ?Your Startup?
  • EXIBEAT | Music-Tech | A community-driven platform for DJs, labels, and producers
  • Femlives | Fem-Tech | A platform on menopause for women and physicians
  • HYBEAM | Augmented & Virtual Reality | Hybrid working- and learningspaces
  • Megunto | Edu-Tech | The digital learning buddy for oral exams
  • NIZAMI | Fem-Tech | Time management meets hormone hacking for women
  • PinGo | Geosocial Networking | A socializing platform for instant meet-ups
  • Unternehmerbrücke | Consulting | Business processes as a service

For listeners

You are most welcome! Do not miss the chance to get in touch with the talented early-stage entrepreneurs and secure your spot by registering today! Rather be quick as we have only a limited number of spots onsite.


Pitching is one of the most important skills in the life of an early-stage startup founder. That’s why HHL DIGITAL SPACE coaches founding projects in various dimensions throughout a 12-week startup incubation program. The teams of the current Batch #11 started with an idea and used the structured program to validate their problem-solution fit. Now it’s time to shine, convince the expert jury of their business ideas, and compete with other startups for the prize.

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